Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Simple greet but many of us forget about it. In Islam Assalamualikum mean peace be upon you.
I has full of meaning. But still not many of muslim nowadays really hard to say it. In Malaysia, some film does not use Islam greet although thi is an Islamic country, and the actors and actress also a muslim.

I do not understand why this thing happen to this Islamic country. Our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. teach us to greet to any muslim, not just the muslim we know. But today, many of us just greet muslim that we really know. Why don't we change the mentality of the muslim people in this country. We started from our child. Teach them to greet to any muslim. That the best thing. Don'y forget it is our prophet sunnah.

In addition, from only by greet and plus a smile, we can tighten silaturrahim among muslim. The tight the bond between us, the stronger we are. Don't just wait for other people to invite us to do this thing, why don't we started all the good things first, and we well get the best benefits for ourself and our beloved religion.

So start from now, don't wait for other people.

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